
Do I Need To Register Witg The Country Clerk To Perform Marriages In Nc

Register of Deeds

Marriage License Requirements:

Please read carefully to ensure that you will have everything you need when you come into our office to apply for a marriage license.

Urgent: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Until further notice, all persons wishing to obtain a marriage license MUST make an appointment.  ONLY the applicants of the license will be allowed to come at the time of the appointment.  If you are sick, please wait until you are well or you will be asked to come back at a later time.  The application can be found at the link below.

If you would like to fill out your marriage license application on-line to expedite the process once you arrive to our office, please click on the button below. Once you fill out the application and submit it, your application will arrive in our office electronically and will be waiting on you when you arrive. You will then only have to provide the necessary ID proofs, sign the application, take the required oaths, and pay the license fee.

Online Marriages License Application

In North Carolina the Register of Deeds is responsible for issuing marriage licenses and for keeping records of all marriages performed in the state.  A license purchased form the Franklin County Register of Deeds office is valid in any county in the state of North Carolina, but cannot be used outside of the State of NC.   There is no waiting period to obtain a license, it is good immediately upon issuance and is valid for 60 days.   Once the ceremony is performed the license must be returned to the Register of Deeds to be put on file as a permanent public record.

****Magistrate's requirements for performing marriage ceremonies.**** (NEW)

The Franklin County Magistrates can and will perform marriages, however you will need to contact their office for available times and/or appointments.

Persons requesting marriages must appear with  two witnesses and pay the applicable $50.00 marriage fee.

Please contact them at 919-497-4280 .

Required Identification & Documentation

The premarital physical is no longer required.

Both parties to the marriage must come into the office to obtain license.

All applicants must provide proof of their Social Security numbers in the form of their Social Security card, W-2 form or tax papers.  **If an individual has never  been issued a social security number then they must sign an affidavit attesting to this fact.  This form is available in the Register of Deeds office.

If there was a previous marriage of either party, proof of the divorce (Judgement signed by judge and filed with clerk) or death certificate of previous spouse must be presented.

Applicants age 21 and older

  • Must present a current ID which can be any of the following:
  1. Drivers License
  2. State issued ID card
  3. Passport
  4. US Armed Forces ID
  5. Certified Birth Certificate

Applicants 18-20 years of agemust present Certified copy of Birth Certificate in addition to their social security information.

Applicants 16 to 17 years of age must have parental consent and certified copy of birth certificate.  The parent with custody of the under aged applicant must accompany them, present their identification, and sign a written consent allowing the marriage of their child.  The written consent will be provided by our office at the time of issuance of the license.

The fee for the license is $60.00 (no personal checks).  This fee does not include the $10.00 fee for the certified copy of the marriage certificate.

Marriage licenses are issued between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Applicants should try to be in our office no later than 4:00 P.M.

The Register of Deeds office is located at 113 S. Main St., Louisburg, NC, in the Hamilton Hobgood Courthouse Annex.

If you need copy of your Marriage License, once married you may acquire at our office in person, online or request it through the mail. Fee is $10.00. Mail to P.O. Box 545, 113 S. Main Street, Louisburg, N.C. 27549. Please be sure to sign your request.

Do I Need To Register Witg The Country Clerk To Perform Marriages In Nc


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