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Buying a Car in Indonesia

Carmudi Indonesia
This page is generously sponsored past Carmudi Indonesia.

A wide range of cars brands are available on the Indonesian marketplace. Nevertheless, the models of these brands are by and large express to four-door sedans or van-type vehicles. Because virtually auto owners use drivers, ii-door sport cars are uncommon and are not in loftier demand.

Because cars are considered a luxury particular, at that place is a substantial tax added onto the manufacturer'southward price. This greatly inflates the price of cars in Indonesia. Importing a automobile from abroad is rarely done past your average expatriate in Indonesia because the Indonesian customs offices charges upwards to 300% duty on the car's value - which they assess.

In Indonesia, according to the regulations, the engine size of a car may not exceed 3,000 CCs. Cars exceeding this engine size are occasionally imported nether special conditions (i.eastward., on request of a diplomat or for special government functions), all the same the legal documents of these cars may not be complete after they have been released from the original importers possession due to the special provisions for their import. Smuggling of luxury cars as well occurs. Needless to say, the documents for these smuggled vehicles are not complete. Therefore, be aware that if you buy a iii,000 CC motorcar, it may exist difficult to resell and may in fact be confiscated by the authorities.

Ranking diplomats are eligible to import luxury cars through their embassy offices. We have heard stories where diplomats use this facility to import a luxury car, sell it to an Indonesian and and then they drive a local car. Exist cautious well-nigh ownership one of these cars as paperwork hassles could definitely be a result.

Click hither for a listing of updated price list for brand new cars

Buying a New Motorcar

When buying a new car the customer is required to have:

  1. 1. Valid Passport and ITAS or ITAP (for foreigner), or KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/Identity Card) for an Indonesian. Every bit a foreigner, if you lot do not accept an ITAS /ITAP, y'all cannot legally own a car in Indonesia. As long every bit the purchaser has a valid ITAS and a alphabetic character from the sponsoring company - they are immune to purchase a vehicle in their name.

    Indonesians annals their cars using their KTP identity card, foreigners must employ their passports and ITAS /ITAP. In some cases, it's easier to purchase the car in the name of the employing visitor and the individual so buys or leases the vehicle, while the paperwork stays in the company's proper noun.

    If a company wants to assist an expatriate employee in purchasing a vehicle, they must present the following documents:

a. Photocopy SIUP (Surat Ijin Usaha Pedagang/Permission to do Business concern)
b. Photocopy of NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak/Tax Number)
c. Photocopy Surat Keterangan Domicili (stating accost of the company)
d. Photocopy Akte Perusahaan (Company Certificate)

For a list of brand new cars for auction, click here

2. Cash or means of financing the vehicle

Consumers who want to take out a loan to purchase a motorcycle or motorcar will take to pay at least 25 pct of the full cost as a downpayment, as opposed to equally depression as v percent to 10 percentage in the past. This regulation was passed by the authorities financial regulators in an endeavor to curb excessive lending practices by lenders and banks.

Of import Annotation: Foreigners should be enlightened that while most Indonesian banks will not give loans to expatriates to buy a car, you may be able to become a car financed by an automotive finance visitor through the machine dealership. A few articulation venture finance companies volition arrange leasing contracts for expats, if it is for the purchase of their affiliate company'south vehicles. These companies require:

a. A photocopy of your passport
b. A photocopy of your ITAS (Express Stay Permit Card)
c. A Letter of Guarantee from your employer, stating they will brand your payments, if you default.
d. An Order Letter of the alphabet from the Dealer
eastward. Down payment ranging from IDR 1,000,000 to five,000,000

Upon the completion of the transaction the purchaser should receive:

a. STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan/Vehicle Registration Number). This certificate should be carried in the vehicle at all times equally a police officer will enquire for it, if you are stopped.
b. Plat Nomor (license plates)
c. BPKB (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor/Proof of Buying book). This is usually a blueish or ruby book. Never carry this book in the automobile as if information technology is stolen with your car, the auto can be easily resold.
d. Faktor (original invoice for the car)
eastward. Kwitansi Pembayaran (receipt for the actual cash transaction)

Later the buy of a new car, it will ordinarily take approximately one week to process the STNK and license plates. The client tin can take immediate possession of the car upon the completion of the transaction and bulldoze it domicile, however, it cannot be driven on the streets without the STNK and the license plates.

Ownership a Used Machine

By Indonesian Police, it is illegal to import used cars, however some unscrupulous importers may import what they say are new cars but are actually i or 2 yr old cars with the odometer reset close to zero. Exist cautious when buying imported cars.

It is a common practice in Indonesia that when a car is sold, the auto registration is left under the proper noun of the original owner. This is done to avoid paying ongkos balik nama or change of ownership fee, which is quite plush (the costs are listed in a table at the department that is based on the yr and model of the car). By explaining these procedures nosotros are not encouraging you to avert paying this revenue enhancement. It'southward merely that you should be aware of this mutual exercise and therefore understand why the paperwork for used cars is so complicated as a result of this practice. Your sponsoring company will undoubtedly accept a policy and recommendations on how you should handle this state of affairs.

This common practice makes the actual invoice a very important certificate. If there is an incident involving a auto, the kwitansi pembayaran/invoice will be necessary to prove the current ownership of the vehicle. You would not want to be held liable for an accident which involved a machine yous used to ain; your copy of the invoice would prove the car was no longer yours.

When a client wants to buy a used automobile they should nowadays:

1. KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/Identity card) Depending upon the selling political party they may or may non accept other forms of identification (i.e., passports or ITAS /Limited Stay Permit Card).

2. Greenbacks or means of financing the vehicle. (Please refer to the financing notes ).

Upon completion of the transaction the client should receive the post-obit documents:

a. STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan/Registration)
b. BPKB (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor/Proof of ownership volume)
c. Faktor (original invoice for the car when information technology was purchased from the manufacturer)
d. Kwitansi Blangko - three lembar (3 copies of a receipt)

The first copy of the kwitansi blangko should contain the following information:

a. Jenis Mobil - type of car
b. Warna - color
c. Nomor Polisi - license plate number
d. Nomor Chasis - chasis number
east. Nomor Rangka - frame number

This kickoff copy should be signed by the person whose name appears in the BPKB on height of a Rp ten,000 meterai (revenue enhancement stamp).

The second and 3rd re-create of this receipt should be left blank, except for the signature of the original owner, whose name appears in the BPKB. No meterai is required. These copies would be required by the Section of Motor Vehicles in the upshot that the proper name in the BPKB needs to be changed. It is very of import to take these three copies! Otherwise it may be difficult to resell your vehicle in the time to come. In doing the research for this piece we could not find out why the bare copies were needed as none of the Indonesians we talked to had e'er changed the ownership name on their vehicle (balik nama).

3. Kwitansi or Tanda Terima (receipt for the transaction) - this receipt will include the amount of money that was paid for the vehicle.

4. Photocopy of KTP or ITAS (identity card) for the person whose name appears on the BPKB. This will be needed to renew the yearly registration for the vehicle (STNK). Pay close attention to the expiration date on the KTP. If the KTP is expired, information technology cannot be used to renew the almanac STNK. Yous will then need to track down the possessor and get a photocopy of his valid KTP.

Ownership a Used Motorcycle

When buying a used motorcylce, prospective buyers must ensure that there is a buy invoice when the motorycle is purchased from the owner. Then, you must confirm the ownership and actuality of the Motorized Vehicle Possessor'southward Volume (BPKB) and Vehicle Number Certificate (STNK).

If everything is complete, Check to see that the vehicle revenue enhancement has been paid and the STNK is still active. If y'all are buying the used motorcycle from a used motorbike dealer, y'all need to make sure that it is piece of cake to infringe the previous owner's identity card (KTP) to practice the needed paperwork. When paying vehicle taxes or extending your vehicle registration, you need to include a photocopy of the ID card of the vehicle possessor whose name is listed on the STNK. The STNK revenue enhancement assistants must use the vehicle owner's ID.

Sources for Used Cars

For a list of used cars for sale, click here

Classified listings for cars can exist found on the Living in Indonesia Expat Forum

There's will also exist a option of used cars advertised in the classified section of Kompas paper. At that place is a place at Kemayoran, it is like a showground with many dealers at that place. Y'all can walk around and cheque out the cars. Proficient place to first.

Be careful if you're buying a used car directly from the previous owner. Go photocopies of all the documents and become to the police force to check to brand sure the car has never been stolen. Don't let the owner come with you; if he's the legal owner of the machine, he won't be offended. Ask the police for a report showing you've checked the ownership history of the car. You'll have to pay an unofficial fee but information technology's well worth it.

Renewing your STNK

Once more, your agent, or a Biro Jasa, can assist you lot with your yearly renewal of your vehicle's STNK. You will not receive a notice of the expiration of this document, your driver should help y'all to remember when information technology expires. Be careful not to let this certificate expire as there is a heavy fine if you are defenseless driving your automobile with an expired STNK. This fine is based on the brand and year of your machine, with newer and more expensive cars getting a higher fine. The amount for renewing the STNK appears on the dorsum of the STNK document. Upon receipt of your new STNK you will exist given stickers which can and then be applied to your quondam license plates.

Alternately, yous can renew your STNK online

See Department East for the cost of STNK renewal in this 2016 regulation.

If you want to renew your STNK yourself (instead of going through a Biro Jasa), in Jakarta you can get to:

Direktor Lalu Lintas Bagian STNK
Polda Metro Jaya (SAMSAT)
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman
Jakarta Selatan

Bring with you:

  1. Your original STNK
  2. Your original BPKB
  3. Photocopies of the BPKB
  4. Original passport (for foreign owners)
  5. Original Police card
  6. The electric current original ITAS/ITAP/KTP of the person whose proper noun appears on the STNK
  7. A copy of the "Surat Keterangan Domisili"
  8. If you are ownership your car on credit, you will demand a letter from the creditor explaining the car being purchased through a credit understanding.
  9. The required payment

Renewing the STNK for a motorcycle:

  1. Your original STNK
  2. Original passport (for foreign owners)
  3. The electric current original ITAS/ITAP/KTP of the person whose name appears on the STNK.

For select jurisdictions you can now pay your Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor online:

  • Dki jakarta
  • Due west Java
  • Central Coffee

Car Insurance

Be certain, before you purchase your motorcar, that you lot tin can go auto insurance for the vehicle in Indonesia. You may accept some difficulties getting insurance coverage on older models. Several of the strange insurance companies operating in Republic of indonesia may offering auto insurance, y'all just need to call around and check with them. For more information on auto insurance companies, run across Insurance in Indonesia.

Purchasing a Auto if you don't take your NPWP even so

Purchasing a new auto with value Rp >400M commonly results in a NPWP question during initial registration. As a newly arrived expat the NPWP usually lags significantly more than than the other needed papers, and so an "administrative fee" may shine the way to get your car and the complete documentation for the vehicle.

Read our related article on Making a Drivers License in Indonesia.

Cost of Living
Download this infographic from A1AutoTransport

Last updated October 14, 2021